2-year-old “loving” boy dies after accidentally hanging himself on cord – rest in peace

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As parents we want nothing more than for our children to grow up happy and, most importantly, safe.

We channel our own experience and wisdom to ensure that our babies are never put in harm’s way. The idea of our little ones hurting or being dealt pain is too horrible to contemplate.

Sadly, part of growing up is having a natural curiosity, and that curiosity sometimes leads to children playing with things that they shouldn’t be or ending up in dangerous situations. A by-product of this is that some children will end up getting hurt or, in extremely tragic cases, worse.

Try as we might, we can’t protect our children from everything in the world, as this sad story proves.

Accidental death
A two-year-old boy from Cornwall, UK died after accidentally hanging himself with a window blind cord, as per the Daily Mirror.

An inquest heard that toddler Cobie Grimshaw was playing on April 4 when he became entangled on a beaded cord hanging beside the window next to his family’s sofa.

26-year-old mom Lauren Grimshaw found her baby boy minutes later but the damage was already done – Cobie had suffered a severe brain injury through a lack of oxygen. He died three days later on April 7.

“I would like to add that he was a happy loving little boy and was loved by all,” Lauren said after the inquest into her son’s death.

“He was the big boss at Southwest Inflatable Theme Parks and everyone answered to him.

“He was just starting nursery where he was making lots of friends.

“He was my only child and brightened my day very day.”

Speaking of the incident that cost her son his life, Lauren told how she came into the lounge and saw Cobie stood upright on the sofa near the window.

“I remember thinking he looked asleep, as I got closer I could see the blind cord was around his neck,” she explained.

“I immediately took him out of the cord by lifting him then taking it from his neck while shouting for mum and Tom (her partner).

“Mum took Cobie from me. I was shouting for help. Mum laid him on the sofa and started doing CPR while I called 999 for an ambulance.”

Cobie was flown to hospital via air ambulance but could not be saved.

“I was told his brain was swollen and he was not likely to make it,” Lauren said.

“He was kept on a ventilator until April 7 when he passed away.

“I am devastated by Cobie’s death and miss him every day.

“I just want things to be as they were.”

Coroner Andrew Cox recorded Cobie’s cause of death as global brain injury due to asphyxiation.

“Cobie was a normal fit and healthy two-year-old boy,” he said. “Into everything, clearly accustomed to climbing onto the sofa and using it as a trampoline.

“On this morning, he‘d been doing what two-year-old boys do, but tragically while climbing onto the back of the sofa he’d become entangled in the cords which were not fixed to the wall and he’s become accidentally entrapped and strangled himself.”

Stories like this one truly break my heart. No one is at fault here, but a two-year-old boy with his whole life ahead of him is gone from the world under such needless circumstances.

I can only imagine the grief and anguish Lauren and her family must be feeling. Rest in peace, Cobie.

Lord, wrap your loving arms around Cobie’s loved ones and shield them from ongoing agony during this difficult time.

Rest in peace, Cobie!

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