7-year-old hero risks his life to save drowning toddler from bottom of swimming pool

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Swimming is an essential life skill that most people should have. And in this situation, little Massiah Browne really showed everyone around him the importance of learning how to swim from a young age!

Messiah Browne has been swimming for almost half of his life at just 7 years old. The young boy really seems to enjoy his time in the water according to the pictures his family posts on their Instagram account.

Messiah was at the pool at WestLake Apartments in Sacramento when he spotted something odd. He saw a child at the bottom of the pool and immediately went to get help.

He reported what he saw to his aunt Savannah Martinborough, who herself is just 9 years old. She immediately instructed Messiah to pull the child out of the water. As soon as the 7-year-old heard his aunt, he dived deep into the pool.

The 9-year-old aunt recalls, “He grabbed his arm and came back up with him.” The 7-year-old had rescued a 3-year-old who had fallen into the pool and was sinking to the bottom of the pool, about to drown. The duo then reported the child to the adults at the pool who immediately jumped to action.

Adults who were trained in CPR helped attend to the child till the Sacramento Fire Department arrived to provide medical assistance.

By the time the toddler was being taken to the hospital, his breathing had gone back to normal.

Little Messiah Browne ended up saving a precious life but he says he does not consider himself a hero for his brave feat! However, he shares that his mother does think of the little boy as a hero! And she should since Messiah was incredibly courageous and helped save a life.

The 9-year-old and 7-year-old have a message for people, make sure that kids are comfortable and that they are always being watched when they are in the pool; incredibly sound advice!

What an incredibly brave thing to do for a 7-year-old! Well done, Messiah Browne.

Share the story of Messiah Browne’s brave act so everyone can applaud this courageous little boy and encourage him for his future!