Twin 1-year-olds dead in house fire days after celebrating their first birthdays – rest in peace

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A young death is incredibly painful, there is nothing more heartbreaking than learning about a life taken too soon. This family from Georgia has experienced an immense heartbreak that will be hard to get over.

The family is doing everything they can to somehow recover from this tragic loss…

Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers for our family, we greatly appreciate everyone, the funeral will be…

Posted by Logan Bennett on Monday, November 14, 2022
The Bennett family was excited and planning the first birthday of their twins who had just turned a year old on 12th November 2022. Of course, the first birthday of any child is a major celebration and this was to be no exception.

However, little did the family know, tragedy was about to strike…

On early Sunday morning around 3:25 a.m., the local fire department was alerted about a fire in the area. After the fire department raced to the site of the fire, they quickly extinguished it.

However, the fire had two casualties; the twin infants. The family did not release the childrens’ names to the media but revealed that they were twins and recently had turned a year old.

The family shared that the twins’ parents had been in the process of planning their first birthday which had happened a few days ago.

The state’s fire marshall determined that the fire had been completely accidental.

The twin’s older sister Logan Bennett organized a GoFundMe page for the lives that were lost to help pay for end-of-life expenses and other costs that arise after someone’s death. She wrote, “Anything will help us as we go through this time.”

Posted by Misty Bennett on Sunday, December 26, 2021
She also mentioned her little siblings and how “they are so loved and missed dearly.”

She clarified that the funeral is not a cost but that the family was looking for financial support in other areas after the death of the children. About $5,319 were raised when the donation page was suspended by the organizer.

It is truly so heartbreaking to learn about the young deaths especially when the children are mere infants. We are wishing this family well and hope they are able to recover from this horrifying trauma!