Nervous woman walks up to random guy and whispers ‘help’: Now he shares how he became unlikely hero

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Women are accustomed to feelings of fear and surveying the risks of every situation they face on a daily basis.

Whether it’s walking down a quiet street or returning to their car in a parking lot at night, women are always aware of their surroundings and can’t help but feel fearful of what might happen.

As one woman was out walking in New York she was aware of three men walking behind her.

As she rushed to get home they continued to follow her and feelings of fear overcame her as she noticed just how quiet her surroundings were.

It was then that she spotted a man and decided if she didn’t try and ask for help it may be her last chance to find some safety.

The woman approached the stranger gave him a tight hug and whispered “please act like you know me, three guys have been following me for a while”.

Dane Weeks had been looking down at his phone and was surprised by her actions. She then grabbed his hand tightly and they both walked the three blocks to the woman’s home who told him she needed to get back to her son.

He also learned that the woman had gone into a shop to try and lose the men but when she stepped outside she saw they were waiting for outside a restaurant.

After the incident Dane took to Twitter to thank the woman for opening his eyes to what women and girls experience every day.

He apologized to her that she was made to feel like that, and wrote on Twitter: “She said, you’re feeling like this, now imagine what every girl and woman feels like.

“I also thank her for bringing me into the world of women.”

The woman told the man that the men had followed her off the train after she was making her way home after working late.

“Please accept being my hero that night, I really thought my son would’ve been motherless & my mother daughterless,” she told Dane.

More than 370,000 people reacted to Dane’s tweet.

“I didn’t expect this post to touch so many people, I needed to get this emotion out and share it on my account,” he added.

“This is sad, women and girls have to live in this type of fear because us men have created an environment of toxicity. I will do better.”

As women we can all relate to this feeling, it’s a feeling of being powerless if a man crosses our path with bad intentions. It’s sad that she had to take a risk on a stranger to ensure her own safety.

Please share to pay tribute to Dane who is setting the right example for men everywhere.