4-year-old boy tells mom before dying of cancer: “I’ll just go to heaven and play until you get there”

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A parent’s biggest nightmare has to be seeing their child sick. Parents who have to live with a child battling an illness they know is terminal is something that most of us cannot begin to comprehend.

Ruth Scully experienced that nightmare when her precious 4-year-old got sick.

Unfortunately her son Nolan’s illness was terminal and she bravely shared her struggles and sorrows on Facebook.

Her post of the last four days with her beloved boy went viral; it’s a heartbreaking read.

Ruth Scully lost her son Nolan two months ago due to an aggressive rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer that affects soft tissue.

Nolan was first diagnosed at just 3 years old and was in treatment for over a year.

Despite him having a tumor completely removed, the cancer ultimately made its way into his lungs.

When Ruth brought Nolan to the hospital for the last time, she knew something was different and something else was wrong, according to Yahoo News

Doctors had bad news for the family that loved him so much and for Nolan who had fought his cruel illness so bravely.

Ruth was told that large tumors were compressing Nolan’s bronchial tubes and heart — just four weeks after he completed open chest heart surgery.

The cancer had become resistant to all treatment options. The best they could do was to keep him as comfortable as possible during his final days.

Never left his mother’s side
Nolan sought comfort in his mom, who he never wanted to leave. Even when she had a shower he would wait for her on the bathroom mat until she had finished.

But even when the situation was bleak Nolan was there planning his will and how he would divide his possessions making sure his family got his favorite stuffed animals.

He told his mom he wanted to be remembered as a police officer.

He even planned his funeral: “I asked if he wanted people to be happy or sad at his funeral. He looked at me confused and said ‘Happy, why would anybody be sad?’” Ruth said.

Ruth said they spent his last day watching Peppa Pig on YouTube, having Nerf Gun wars and “[smiling] as many times as [they] could.”

Mom Ruth went to take a shower, worried about leaving her precious boy but he reassured her that he would be waiting outside for her on the mat.

When she came out, Nolan had slipped into a coma and a team of medical staff was around him. She ran to her son.

But then something extraordinary happened. Nolan, despite suffering a collapsed lung, then opened his eyes and said: “I love you Mommy.”

He died shortly after, as his mother sang “You are my Sunshine” to him.

What a terrible tragedy that such a young boy lost his life to such a cruel disease.

Ruth now dedicates her time to helping in the fight to find a cure for this horrific disease. Rest in peace precious Nolan.