Police woman forced to breastfeed rescued baby – because hospital staff are too busy

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The feeling of being a mother is a beautiful one, the power of maternal instinct often overwhelming. Whether towards a biological child or not, the love felt between mom and a baby is a truly special connection.

A mother will be a mother all her life and extend all that it means to any child who needs her help.

It’s exactly this instinct that has made one Argentine police officer a hero after she did something that shocked doctors …

Back in 2018, Celeste Ayala of Berisso, Argentina, was on guard duty at a hospital in Buenos Aires when a malnourished and screaming baby was brought onto the ward.

Seeing that hospital staff were too busy to attend to him, she asked if she could hold and comfort him. She noticed the baby was putting his fist into his mouth; a sign all mothers know as that of a hungry baby!

Celeste’s motherly instincts immediately took over and she took the child and breastfed him, despite the baby being called “dirty” by hospital staff.

According to the Daily Mail, Celeste told local media: “It was a sad moment, it broke my soul seeing him like this, society should be sensitive to the issues affecting children, it cannot keep happening.”

According to local media, the baby is the youngest of six siblings and their single mom is struggling.

Hailed a hero
A colleague was so impressed by Celeste’s selfless act she snapped a picture of her, posting it online with the words: “I want to make public this great gesture of love you made today for this little baby who you did not know, but for who you did not hesitate to act like a mother. You did not care if he was dirty, which is what the hospital staff called him. Good job mate.”

The picture went viral, with 94,000 people sharing it and hundreds of people commenting on it.

A friend Antonella Romano commented: “I didn’t expect any less from you! You are not just a great woman, but a great mother. What pride, those who know you, know that everything you do is with.”

What a wonderful act by a woman who became the mother of a stranger in an emergency.

For us, Celeste Ayala is a hero and we want to help share her selfless act with viewers around the world.

Please share this post if you too want to celebrate this amazing officer.