Teen selflessly takes care of elderly neighbors and their daughter shares touching photos

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Tiki Joyner Edwards always felt that her parents took good care of her as she was growing up, and now they were both experiencing some health issues, and she wanted to do her best to take care of them. But, unfortunately, she couldn’t be there all the time for them like they were for her.

However, there was a young man in her parents’ neighborhood who had no problem checking in on them and doing things for them. He’s 15 years old and his name is Romemylion Mitchell. So Tiki just had to share her story about him on Facebook.

Says Tiki: “I just want to take a moment and recognize this sweet fella that lives across the street from my parents. He checks on them every day and has grown to love and care for them deeply. He rides with Dad to the store, helps him shop and brings the groceries in… he cuts the grass and whatever they may need. Not many 15-year-olds would take the time to care and be there for elderly neighbors.”

Actually, he does what a lot of teens do… He goes to school, he hangs out with his friends, and he participates in a lot of social activities. But highest on his list of priorities is taking care of Tiki’s parents. And he does this without taking any compensation at all. Nothing. He does it because he wants to. And Tiki’s parents care a great deal for him as well.

When Tiki’s mom, Cianne, was admitted to the hospital recently, Romy had to go visit her as soon as possible.

Says Tiki on her Facebook post: “When he saw Mom today he busted out crying and just held her tight.. what a blessing and just wanted to pass on something heartwarming instead of the sad news we see and hear every day.”

There are a million other things Romy could do as a teenager. But he chooses to spend much of his time helping an elderly couple as much as he can. That says something huge… and very special… about this young man.