Father’s Middle Son Doesn’t Look Enough like Him So He Does a DNA Test on the Boy

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A 12-year marriage ended when the husband requested a paternity test for their middle child, thinking their features were different.

His wife was not amused by the request and is now thinking of getting a divorce. A husband might have ruined twelve years of marriage by asking his wife for a paternity test.

The 37-year-old man took it to Reddit to explain why he had questioned his relation to his middle son.

He explained, “We have three kids and I always had this nagging feeling that our middle child wasn’t mine. Our oldest and youngest look just like me, but my middle child doesn’t.”

The husband knew that cheating was a deal breaker for his wife, which made him want to ask for a paternity test even more. For this reason, the 35-year-old was offended by the request.

If she had nothing to conceal, her spouse said, there shouldn’t be any issues. His wife’s outburst caused him to become even more suspicious, so he continued the test and found out that the son was indeed his.

The husband assumed the situation was resolved after receiving the results, but his wife began to doubt their marriage’s viability.

His marriage suffered as a result of his request for a paternity test. His wife felt that her husband did not trust her, which was why she was still very angry with him. Not to mention that because he didn’t have his features, he caused their son to wonder where he fit into the family.

The husband tried to get his wife to understand his point of view, but she could not get over the fact that he thought she would cheat and that he was willing to jeopardize his family because of his pride.

Therefore, the 35-year-old mentioned potentially getting a divorce, which is not how the husband thought things would turn out for him. Since the incident, the couple had not spoken, but the man hoped some Reddit users would help him come up with ways to get his wife to speak to him again.

Did the Couple Decide to Stay Together?
The 37-year-old returned with an update a few months after sharing his story on Reddit, stating that his wife had at last agreed to have a conversation with him.

Her assessment of the circumstances had not entirely changed, though. The wife was still unable to forgive her husband for his lack of trust in her and the harm he had done to their son.

She thought she would never be able to trust him again. His son believed he despised him and felt alone. The husband disclosed that although the father was unaware of it, he had always known that his father treated him differently.

The cheating accusations also had the wife thinking her husband might have had secrets of his own to hide. Although the man admitted to cheating in his two previous relationships, he said he had not cheated on his wife.

The cheating accusations also had the wife thinking her husband might have had secrets of his own to hide. Although the man admitted to cheating in his two previous relationships, he said he had not cheated on his wife.

To counter his reasoning, the wife said she had never cheated. Therefore, the situation between the couple did not get better with time. Instead, the wife did not think she would ever be able to forgive him.

While the husband hoped that the paternity test would keep him at ease, it resulted in his son and wife holding massive grudges against him. But it was not only his middle son who was upset with him; the man said all his children were not speaking to him. To top it off, his wife wanted a divorce.

None of the commenters felt sorry for him.

They thought that because his wife recognized her own and her son’s value, she should have left him. However, most people were not surprised that he had cheated in the past.

It was already a betrayal that most commenters thought merited a divorce for the husband to doubt his 12-year marriage and accuse her of cheating.

The father’s decision to upset his wife and son for his own peace of mind, however, angered more Reddit users. He seemed to make the situation all about himself, at least to many.

Most commenters found it irritating that he felt the need to demand a paternity test simply because he wanted his middle child to resemble him. Netizens sympathized with the wife and could therefore understand why
she would never again put her trust in her husband. Readers believed that the husband’s trust issues extended beyond his misgivings regarding the paternity test.

The husband’s refusal to acknowledge that he was wrong to not trust his wife and to suffer for his son was another thing that infuriated online users. Some even said he had failed as a parent in their comments.