105-year-old Gussie celebrates her birthday by dancing up a storm along with her family

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Living past the centennial of your birth is a milestone not a lot of people achieve. That’s why Ms. Gussie wants to make sure she celebrates it to her heart’s content.

Gussie Taylor Dennis has turned 105 years old but her memory is still sharp. She recalls her early days of working on a farm in Greenville, South Carolina where she grew up.

She recalls her younger years when she would pick cotton at the farm and go to church on a two-horse wagon. The church was a big part of her life. She ended up joining the women’s league at her church and eventually became a prayer leader for it.

The 105-year-old has definitely lived a very full life. And even today, she has a lot of loved ones who are ecstatic at being able to celebrate her. Gussie’s birthday was attended by her family, which consists of her three children, three grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren.

Her 97-year-old “baby sister,” was also present at the festivities to celebrate her sister’s milestone birthday. Long lives seem to run in the family it seems!

As her family gathered together to celebrate, Gussie was in a great mood. As everyone around her sang ‘Happy Birthday,’ she made sure to dance along to the beat. Her family members joined in, clearly even at this age she has a zest for life!

When asked what she was most looking forward to, she said she was looking forward to eating her birthday cake and whatever else the family had for food but mostly, she just looked forward to the cake.

The 105-year-old surely has a sweet tooth because she joked that after everyone left if she gets the chance, she plans on sneaking back downstairs to eat some more cake!

This joke made her family laugh aloud with her as Gussie smiled at the humor.

What an incredibly sweet birthday for 105-year-old Gussie. We at Newsner, wish her a very happy birthday.

Join us in making Gussie’s day and sharing this piece while wishing her a happy birthday!