Candace Cameron Bure Fires Back After She’s Attacked For Defending Traditional Marriage

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Candace Cameron Bure is hitting back at her haters after she found herself in hot water for defending “traditional marriage.”
Earlier this week, we reported that the Hollywood star Candace Cameron Bure of “Full House” and “Fuller House” fame was receiving backlash after saying that her new network Great American Family will be focusing on stories that are about “traditional marriage.”

Cameron Bure, who signed on as the chief creative officer for GAF network earlier this year, is now firing back at her haters, and she’s refusing to back down.

Cameron Bure, 46, was accused of being a “bigot” after she said earlier this week that the GAF network will “keep traditional marriage at the core” of its storytelling. The always classy took the high road by issuing a statement in which she stood by her views while also refusing to go back on the beliefs that she holds dear.

‘I Am A Devoted Christian’
“All of you who know me, know beyond question that I have great love and affection for all people,” Cameron Bure said. “It absolutely breaks my heart that anyone would ever think I intentionally would want to offend and hurt anyone.”

“It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us, even around a subject as comforting and merry as Christmas movies,” the actress continued. “But, given the toxic climate in our culture right now, I shouldn’t be surprised. We need Christmas more than ever.”

Not stopping there, Cameron Bure proceeded to double down on the strong Christian beliefs that she’s been known for for decades.

“I am a devoted Christian. Which means that I believe that every human being bears the image of God. Because of that, I am called to love all people, and I do. If you know me, you know that I am a person who loves fiercely and indiscriminately,” she explained. “My heart yearns to build bridges and bring people one step closer to God, to love others well, and to simply be a reflection of God’s huge love for all of us.”

Cameron Bure Directly Addresses Her Haters
Cameron Bure then directly addressed the people both in the media and out of it who have been relentlessly attacking her in recent days.

“To the members of the media responsible for using this opportunity to fan flames of conflict and hate, I have a simple message: I love you anyway. To those who hate what I value and who are attacking me online: I love you. To those who have tried to assassinate my character: I love you,” she said. “To everyone reading this, of any race, creed, sexuality, or political party, including those who have tried to bully me with name-calling, I love you.”

Cameron Bure went on to say that while she’s “long wanted to find a home for more faith-based programming,” she also wants it to be known that “people of all ethnicities and identities have and will continue to contribute to the network in great ways both in front of and behind the camera.”

“I’ve never been interested in proselytizing through my storytelling, but in celebrating God’s greatness in our lives through the stories I tell,” she added.

Cameron Bure Ends With Godly Message
Cameron Bure ended her statement with a powerful message about God.

“The God we serve is a wildly creative and loving God,” she said. “He didn’t just capture a small part of my heart, He has captured all of my heart. He will be reflected in everything I do and say; in my family, my work and my interactions with people from all walks of life, God’s love and God’s compassion is front and center.”

“All of that comes from the LOVE that God himself showered upon humanity when he gave the gift of joy and forgiveness on the first Christmas morning 2000 years ago,” Cameron Bure concluded. “It is why I love Christmas stories and sharing true joy and true peace with millions of people around the world. And in the sole motivation of pure love, I hope you’ll join me in sharing God’s hope for all the world this Christmas season. Call that my Christmas wish.”

Cameron Bure has long been known as one of the only openly conservative Christian actresses in Hollywood, so backlash from the left is something that she’s used to dealing with. However, the leftwing hate that she’s been hit with in the wake of her “traditional marriage” comments has been particularly vitriolic, so she can definitely use our prayers right now.

We applaud Cameron Bure for always taking the high road, even when it’s difficult to do so. We love you, Candace!