Church bus carrying 12 young children flips, but all survive – “Everything was in God’s hands”

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Whether you believe in God or not, it’s impossible to deny that some things happen here on Earth that go beyond any sort of rational explanation.

It’s hardly a surprise so many people are emboldened by strong faith when seemingly impossible acts of mercy and kindness take place each and every single day.

On Sunday, a church bus with the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Texas was involved in a single-car accident that could oh-so easily have resulted in an unfathomable tragedy.

As per reports, the driver of the aforesaid bus, a volunteer, approached a tricky turn too quickly and flipped the bus onto its right side.

According to Sheriff Ed Gonzalez, the bus was carrying three adults and a total of 12 children between the ages of 1 and 16. Needless to say, any sort of accident naturally presents an extreme level of danger to the bus’s passengers.

A local who lives nearby the scene of the accident, Jennifer Guerra, said her family was just sitting down for breakfast when they heard the bus flip outside.

“We just, you know, heard a big boom and when we got to the balcony, I called 911,” Jennifer told KPRC-TV.

“And that’s when I was like, I heard screaming, the kids yelling help, help.”

Jennifer, along with a number of others, leapt into action. They headed for the bus and began pulling children to safety.

“You know basically trying to keep them calm, but it was like crazy,” Jennifer said.

“I’ve never seen anything like that. I’m just happy that they were okay, and they got help and everything was in God’s hands they were okay.

“We sat them down and gave them water and basically tried to calm them down. Let them know that everything was going to be okay.”

“I had ended up helping a girl,” Jennifer’s relative, Alicia Guerra, said.

“I grabbed her jacket. She had her head open right here and I was trying to apply pressure.”

Sheriff Gonzalez, meanwhile, said the scene was difficult to navigate initially because there was so many kids.

“When our units arrived, they had to mobilize very quickly because children were kind of partially out the bus and on different places and so it was very chaotic initially,” the sheriff explained. “They were able to stabilize the situation.”

He later tweeted in an update: “[T]he driver (42) operated the passenger bus.

“The bus was occupied by 3 adult passengers and 12 child passengers, ranging from one year old to 16 yrs old. The driver failed to control speed while negotiating the curve causing the bus to roll on its right side.

“The driver was not injured and did not exhibit any indicators of being intoxicated or under the influence. 14 out of 15 were transported to hospitals w possible, but non-life-threatening injuries. The 15th passenger (33) was stable. There were no other vehicles involved in the crash. The crash remains under investigation.”

By the grace of God, all of the individuals involved in the crash escaped with only minor injuries when this tale could have ended tragically indeed.

Wow! I think it’s incredible that so many children escaped relatively unharmed from this accident.

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