Family offered millions for land refuses to budge and earns praise online

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Even the developers couldn’t help but give them kudos for holding firm. Good on them.

What do you own that you would you be willing to sell?

Of course, that answer depends on how attached you are to the item and how much money is being offered.

Then again, money isn’t everything.

Many of us build certain attachments to our material items that make them hard to part with. But even sentimentality can be bought for the right price, right?

Well, not for everyone.

One family living in The Ponds, a suburb of Sydney, Australia, has refused developers time and time again when they come knocking at their door with an offer to buy their land and home.

And we’re not talking any small amount of money here. It is estimated that the value of this property sits at just under $50 million dollars.

That’s a lot of money!

However, the owners of the property, the Zammit family, are holding strong.

They’re not willing to sell their family’s house and land which would inevitably be leveled and developed into multiple track homes.

The Ponds have changed quite a bit since the Zammit family has been there.

Starting in 2018, developers started buying up the vacant land around the property and building track homes in its place.

The homes are crammed together tightly, aimed at squeezing as much usable space out of the land as possible.

The last stand

Other landowners sold their properties when the developers came knocking with their big offers.

However, money doesn’t always buy everything as we can see with this family and their home.

One developer gave the Zammit family credit for holding onto their property for as long as they have.

Taylor Bredin, an agent of Ray White Quaker Hill told 7NEWS Australia:

“The fact that most people sold out years and years ago, these guys have held on. All credit to them.”

He went on to say:

“Depending on how far you push the development plan, you’d be able to push anywhere from 40 to 50 properties on something like this, and when subdivided, a 300 square meter block would get a million dollars.”

Even with that impressive price tag dangling in front of them, the Zammit family has held strong.

Of course, that kind of money not only has to ability to change your own life but your children’s children’s lives as well.

Whatever the Zammit family decides to do with their property is their business and they haven’t made any statements on whether they plan to sell or not.

Some things are worth hanging onto.

All we know for sure is that this piece of land means much more to the family than a lump sum of cash.

Although money can buy a lot of things, it seems clear in this case that it can’t buy happiness.

And if this family is happy on their land and in their home, then no amount of money should be able to take them away from that.

Learn more about the homeowners standing strong against big money in the video below!

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