Hard working 14-year-old farmer found dead in reservoir leaving disabled veteran dad ruined

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It is never easy to learn about death especially when it is a young one. The passing of this teenager brings a lot of pain, especially for his family who were heavily dependent on him.

Kevin Cooper by the account shared by this family was an incredibly happy and caring young man. While his real name was Kevin Cooper, he had a big following on social under the pseudonym Cole Summers. As Cole Summers, Kevin published a book with another one released just recently.

He talked about his journey under the pseudonym about homeschooling and being an entrepreneur at the young age of fourteen.

Kevin Cooper was not an ordinary child. He had started working towards his entrepreneurial dreams when he was 7-years-old having started a farm that he grew to over 350 acres by the time he was fourteen years old. He was quite a successful farmer.

He also wrote a book about his experiences and his second book has just been published and released.

The fateful incident happened on Saturday around 2:40 p.m. at Newcastle Reservoir when the teenager was at a friend’s birthday party, according to his father.

Cooper was kayaking with his 17-year-old brother. Neither of the boys was wearing a life jacket. The initial press release by the Iron County Sheriff’s Office stated that horseplay was a contributing factor.

However, since then, a Facebook user named Stefanie Hartlmaier Whitelaw has posted that no horseplay between the brothers had been involved, and false information alleging this is making Kevin’s brother feel tremendously guilty, even though he tried to do whatever he could to save his brother’s life.

The Whitelaw family also started a GoFundMe page to help deal with the expenses that come with death and to help the family deal with the legal fees of having to deal with the business Kevin Cooper started when he was alive.

The GoFundMe campaign started by the Whitelaw family outlines just how ambitious and helpful young Kevin was. “Kevin was constantly a happy kid who thrived on making other people smile and inspiring others to excel at whatever life goals they had. Kevin had a sense of ambition that was second to none. He managed his own homeschooling, while also running a small farm he started when he was 7,” the description reads.

In the description, they also talked about the immense responsibilities young Kevin carried on his shoulders. “He was the son of a disabled Veteran, but also the only member of his family that’s not disabled,” the description reads.

It also talked about how he helped his father out whenever he needed him and also had big plans to make his autistic brother’s life better.Because of his death, the family will also lose the VA disability dependent income.

The 14-year-old had big entrepreneurial dreams. He was an advocate for homeschooling and his Twitter account had a lot of followers who were inspired by the young man. Kevin’s father posted on his Twitter account to update his followers about Kevin’s unfortunate passing. He also outlined all the projects Kevin had been working on and also talked about Kevin’s second book which was about to be released.

His father lamented his son’s death and encouraged everyone to follow his young boy’s example, saying that nothing made Kevin happier than learning he had inspired someone.

The death of young Kevin Cooper is quite sad. We are praying for Kevin and his family to heal from this tremendous loss.

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