Husband dies by suicide weeks after grieving the loss of his stillborn twins – rest in peace

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A grieving father took his own life after the tragic death of his stillborn twins at 21 weeks, according to reports.

The Daily Mail claim that 32-year-old Adam Edwards died last week after a battle with his mental health following the loss of his unborn children. His grieving widow, Lucy, 30, had reportedly undergone 10 years of IVF treatment before she fell pregnant.

The couple, from Perth, Australia, are said to have first found out they were expecting in February, before then being told they were pregnant with twins in April.

A picture of their latest scans saw a due date of late October or early November, but tragedy was just around the corner.

In July, the twins – whom Adam and Lucy named Penny Christine and James Robert – were stillborn at 21 weeks, leaving the would-be parents devastated.

Adam and Lucy held a funeral service for their children, and a heartrending video emerged on social media charting the little ones’ brief lives.

As per the Daily Mail, coping with the loss of the twins was something Adam greatly struggled with, leading to a battle with his mental health that he could not overcome.

Last week, the 32-year-old miner’s body was found at the remote mine in which he worked, located in Western Australia.

Adam Edwards, a man in Perth, Australia, took his own life after grieving the loss of his stilborn twins.

“To love Adam Edwards has been the privilege and joy of my life,” Lucy said. “I don’t know how to do this life without you.

“We all love you fiercely, but to have been loved by you is the greatest gift any of us could have asked for.

“I would do anything for one last kiss, one last hug or one last day. Please take care of our babies.”

Lucy set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for Adam’s funeral – it has thus far raised $44,870 AUD.

Speaking to the Mail, the heartbroken widow said: “Adam’s death was sudden and unexpected. He died alone and hundreds of kilometres from the home we shared in Perth.

“His devastating passing came a little more than two months after we buried our twins – two perfect sleeping angels born at 21 weeks and five days.

“Our beautiful children were conceived after a seven-year IVF journey which Adam and I travelled side by side, hand in hand every step of the way.

“It is impossible to describe the excitement and pure happiness we experienced when we learned we would finally be parents.”

What a terrible set of events to befall any family. Our hearts are with Lucy and her loved ones.

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