Madonna fans worried after seeing her at the Grammys 2023: “That can’t be her? Can it?”

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Of all the loud, proud, and ‘out there’ celebrities of the world, perhaps no one has stoked the fires of controversy over the years quite like Madonna.

The iconic pop legend made a name for herself by challenging the norms and shaking things up when she first burst onto the scene. These days she’s a certified icon, and at 64 years of age she isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.

No, Madge remains a regular fixture in the limelight, and appeared at the weekend during the 2023 Grammy Awards to present an award.

The Like a Virgin singer used her time on stage to give a shout out to all the “rebels” of the world. Yet it wasn’t her words so much as her appearance that led to the internet sitting up and taking so much notice…

She’s the Queen of Pop and a familiar face all over the globe; there’s barely anything Madonna’s tried and hasn’t succeeded at.

Yet the iconic singer sparked concern amongst fans at the weekend due to her appearance.

Celebrities in the modern age seem to be wholly fascinated with the idea of retaining their youthful looks for as long as possible. And it’s not just living healthy lives and using clever makeup techniques to achieve the desired effect.

No, plastic surgery and body modification appears to be more popular than ever. It’s been a fixture of life among the A-listers of the world for decades, and rather than becoming a trend on the decline, it’s only become more prominent in recent years.

Now, we feel that it’s important to remind people that everyone is beautiful in their own way. There is simply no reason to feel the need to conform to any unrealistic beauty standard. Aging is a part of being human, and in an ideal world we’d all embrace it for what it is: proof that you’ve lived when so many others don’t get the opportunity to do so.

That’s perhaps why it’s sad to see certain high-profile figures radically changing their appearances as they get older.

Over the past few months we’ve touched upon several examples – only last year did we shed light upon the concern of fans at Simon Cowell’s new look, for example – but we’d be remiss in our duties if we didn’t take a quick peek about a certain clip of Madonna that’s now doing the rounds.

While presenting ahead of Sam Smith’s performance during the 2023 Grammy Awards on Sunday, Madonna tipped her hat to the “troublemakers” of the world, saying:

“I’m here to give thanks to all the rebels out there, forging a new path and taking the heat for all of it. You guys need to know all you troublemakers out there you need to know that your fearlessness does not go unnoticed.”

She went on: “You are seen, you are heard, and most of all, you are appreciated.”

Madonna’s words, while fierce, didn’t draw half so much attention as her face, which fans online were quick to remark upon. Some claimed to hardly recognize her, what with her enlarged lips, swollen cheeks, and braided hair.

One viewer tweeted: “Madonna who? That can’t be her? Can it ?”

Another added: “#GRAMMYs I really wish Madonna never touched her face. There really was no reason. She was going to age beautifully. She’s always been beautiful. #Stopplayingwithyallface#Grammys2023#Madonna.”

A third commented: “I love Madonna. I really do. But lord what did she do to her face.”

Of course, this is hardly the first time people have reacted to Madonna’s seemingly ever-changing appearance. As recently as December the remarks were flying around the internet after the 64-year-old uploaded what can only be described as a bizarre video to her social media.

A screen grab taken from said video caused particular alarm, showing one of the most recognizable faces of the past century, well… virtually unrecognizable.

Needless to say, critics were quick to jump on the change of appearance, and many with some less than kind words.

Now 64, it’s natural to assume that Madonna isn’t going to look like she did when she was in her 20s, but many believe that whatever she’s done to achieve her latest look is taking things too far.

“You don’t look like Madonna anymore…. :-(,” one Instagram user wrote in the comments section of a recent post on her Instagram.

We’ll never judge anyone for the personal decisions they make, and we’ll certainly never move to criticize people for wishing to alter their appearance.

Even so, it’s our responsibility to remind readers that happiness comes from the heart, not from the opinions of others.

What do you think about Madonna’s new appearance? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box on Facebook.

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