Newborn baby refuses to eat, days later family discovers the horrifying

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Bathany Taylor and her husband Kendall welcomed a new addition to their family in January.

Baby Jane was born without complications, and was a healthy baby girl.

But 5 days later, she became seriously ill and refused to eat.

Then the whole family fell ill – and discovered something terrible.

Like all new parents, Bethany and Kendall were very excited to finally bring their newborn baby home from the hospital. A new life was about to begin, and the couple were overjoyed.

But then something happened that changed everything. The five-day-old girl, named Jane, became abnormally tired and refused to eat. Bethany and Kendall were convinced that something was wrong, so they rushed her to the emergency room. But when the pediatrician examined the girl, they couldn’t find anything wrong with her.

When the couple returned home from the hospital, they came down with headaches and suddenly began to feel ill. They called grandma to come and help them – but she soon fell ill, too. Dad Kendall had a suspicion about what was happening …

The father did some online research to find out what might have happened. When he learned the truth, they immediately took their young baby back to the hospital.

“I couldn’t believe this was happening to my new, brand new little baby and I was so worried about what was going to happen with her,” the mom told Faith Tap.

Little Jane and the whole family had been poisoned: not by an unknown bacteria, but something completely different.

The poisoning was caused by a leaking gas heater in the apartment. The heater was defective and led to the family suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Jane was immediately place in a hyperbaric chamber for treatment.

Mom Bethany was able to stay with her baby in the chamber during the treatment. And the treatment was a success!

“She was just like a baby again. She cried, she responded to her mom. She was very hungry when she came out of the chamber,” Dr James Stewart tells Faith Tap.

Luckily everything ended well for this family, but it could have ended in tragedy if the little girl hadn’t received treatment in time. Gas leaks can happen in all homes, especially if you have old heaters. That’s why it’s extremely important to install carbon monoxide detectors in your home!

Help us spread this important warning futher to make others aware of this invisible killer!