Starbucks Employee Breaks Down Crying After Being Scheduled To Work 8 Hours

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Work. It’s part of life. Most people will have a job at some point in their lives. Most people will have a job for most of their lives, working day after day to pay the bills and provide for themselves and their family.

In an ideal world, your job would be something you enjoy, but for many people, sometimes a job is just a job – a means to an end, a way to provide for oneself. Especially for people who are still in school, a first job may be far from his or her dream job.

Do you remember your first job? Maybe it was something you loved. Maybe it was something you hated. One transgender Starbucks employee recently shared that his job at Starbucks is far from his dream job.

In a video that was later shared on Twitter, this Starbucks employee hid in the stockroom while at work and spoke directly to the camera, complaining about the manager, the schedule, the customers and the fact that they don’t have a union. This employee also complained about being “misgendered” by customers and being required to work long hours while still being a student.

What does this employee consider long hours? We’re talking an 8 hour shift. The employee explained, “I’m a full time student. I get scheduled for 25 hours a week, and on weekends they schedule me the entire day, open to close. I’m on the schedule for 8 and a half hours both Saturday and Sunday.”

While trying to hold back tears, the employee talked about wanting to quit working at Starbucks, but in the comments, many people felt that this sob story was ridiculous. One comment reads, “Do I have any sympathy for this young spoiled kid? No. At 17 I was overseas with an M-16. 12 hour days OR around the clock. Bad food, bad weather, dangerous conditions, etc. some of the best times I can remember & friendships that have lasted a lifetime. Grow up kid.”

Another person replied, “I feel like the world is getting softer by the second… Never seen so many babies cry collectively. This world owes us nothing. Work hard and climb the ladder until you can find a position/job that beats you up less. Simple.”

Not everyone thought that crying about an 8 hour shift was ridiculous. Many people stood up for the Starbucks employee. For example, one person wrote, “He’s allowed to be frustrated at Starbucks and his crappy manager not pulling their weight. People keep bringing up his 8 hrs shifts but working a job on top of being a full time student would be tiring. He’s having a vent, so what.”

Another person shared, “25 hrs a week,& being a full-time student is stressful! We all talk work/life balance, better mental health,& recognizing the signs, but when someone clearly needs it, then we judge them, call them weak, & shame them. Seriously? When are we going to learn? Shame on us, not them!”

Do you think this Starbucks employee had good reason to complain, or do you think the venting was ridiculous?