The young police officer shot in line of duty at traffic stop to be taken off life support

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Police officers have a dangerous job where every single day as they wear their uniform, they knowingly take the risk of injury or worse.

Richmond Police Officer Seara Burton was on duty at her job at the Richmond Police Department in Indiana.

On August 10, Burton was responding to what seemed like a normal assist call from fellow officers at a traffic stop on North 12th Street and C Street in Richmond.

During the traffic stop, Burton used her K-9 partner Brev to do an open-air sniff around a moped which according to police, was suspected of transporting narcotics. The suspect was identified by the police as a 47-year-old local named Phillip Matthew Lee.

Her K-9 partner was not injured during the shooting and is being cared for by another office at the department who was formerly a K-9 handler.

While police were questioning Lee, he reportedly brandished a firearm and shot several rounds at the officers. Burton was shot and was immediately flown Miami Valley Hospital, and was reported to be in “very critical condition.”

Since she was admitted to the hospital, she has remained in critical condition, with little to no improvement in her condition.

The community has rallied around to support Burton. “The Richmond community has truly proven that it is a community that cares. They stepped up more than anybody could have expected,” Richmond Police Chief Michael Britt told the news earlier last month. “They’re providing for Officer Burton and their police department in ways that I never dreamed possible.”

A group on Facebook titled “Pray for Seara Burton” popped up soon after the incident and has over 250 people.

According to Miami Valley Hospital, her injuries seem to be unrecoverable. It was decided by medical experts and the police department that Burton would hence be taken off of life support today, on September 1, 2022.

In a statement on their Facebook page, the Richmond Police Department revealed that Seara would be donating her organs. The statement read, “Seara will live on and continue to be a hero with her selfless gift of organ donation. Officer Burton will continue to serve others long after her passing. Final arrangements for Officer Burton will be released in the coming days.”

Burton is currently 28 years old and joined the police department when she was 24 years old, spending four years in service.

It is always tough to see a young life being taken too soon. Our prayers are with Seara Burton and her family during this trying time.

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