Why You Should Always Keep the Bathroom Light On While Sleeping in a Hotel

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During a journey to a foreign land while lodging at a hotel, it’s advisable to leave the bathroom lamps switched on throughout the night.

The dim glow within the accommodation can greatly aid individuals experiencing unease and struggling to doze off in unfamiliar settings.

This practice will additionally enhance your visibility in critical situations such as fires or intrusions, enabling you to swiftly identify exits without the need to fumble for a phone or a light switch.

Whenever we check into a hotel or a motor inn, we tend to casually scatter our bags on the ground, particularly if we are there briefly or are too fatigued to stow our belongings in the wardrobe. Illuminating the bathroom can prevent us from stumbling over our luggage in the darkness.

Furthermore, if there is an intruder nearby, the activated light will give them the impression that the occupants are wide awake.

This hotel bathroom when you turn the bathroom light on at night
byu/LMGooglyTFY inCrappyDesign

Occasionally, circumstances demand that we maintain the bathroom light activated. An incident occurred to a Reddit user who shared an image from his hotel visit. The bathroom featured a glass door, and the light was glaringly bright to him.