Woman gifted 107 roses from her church to celebrate her 107th birthday – Happy Birthday, Elestine

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Elestine Lawson was shocked when she opened her door to find a special delivery from her church.

The Westerville, Ohio, senior celebrated her 107th birthday and was gifted 107 roses.

“They’re beautiful,” she said when she opened her front door to find the floral display from her local flower shop.

Elestine later learned that some members of her church decided to buy her a bouquet of roses from Battiste LaFleur, Galleria, a nearby florist shop in the town of Columbia.

It was a fitting gesture for a lady who credits her faith for her long and happy life.

“Praise the Lord,” Elestine said when asked about the secret to living such a long life, according to WFMY News.

She added that love and her faith has kept her strong during her 107 years.

Elestine isn’t too far in age behind the official oldest woman in America, Thelma Sutcliffe, a 114-year-old woman from Nebraska.

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