Woman officially adopts 3-year-old she raised as an infant after losing her own son

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To be someone’s family does not mean you have to be biologically related to them. Families come in all shapes and sizes, and every single one of them is special.

This Detroit woman already had her little family but national ‘Adoption Day‘ cemented it for her officially.

Her journey toward becoming little Kensington’s mom was an interesting one. She recalls her daughter’s birth mother reaching out to her, “She reached out to me while she was pregnant. I had just recently lost my son, and she knew she didn’t want to keep her. She wanted her to go to a good home, she didn’t want to have an abortion,” Jackson said.

“It was definitely divine order. The day he was due is the day I took her home from the hospital, so you just never know what God has planned – you just never know,” she continued.

The stats from Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange show that every year 3000 children in the state wait to be placed in permanent homes. So this adoption is definitely a reason to celebrate. On ‘Adoption Day’ nearly 200 others in the same Wayne County court were officially adopted by their families.

Third Circuit Court Chief Judge Timothy Kenny and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Richard Bernstein were very happy to join in on the celebrations!

“Adoption day is my absolute favorite day of the year and I would venture to say it’s every judge’s favorite day of the year,” Judge Bernstein said.

“We have adoption day throughout the state of Michigan during Thanksgiving week because it really is a moment to be very thankful,” Kenny added.

While nationally the day is celebrated on the 19th of November, the state of Michigan takes it one step further by continuing the celebrations all week long!

Jackson is a foster mom to several kids while an adoptive mom for little Kensington. She encouraged others to adopt by saying, “There are so many children within the foster care system in the state of Michigan that need homes. It’s the least you can do, and show children that they can be loved unconditionally.”

While Kensington is the first child she has adopted, she hopes she won’t be her last.

“I’m just happy it’s finally come. It’s right on time, right before Thanksgiving and so much to be thankful for,” she said.

The little girl seemed ecstatic to be surrounded by her new family as they celebrated her officially joining their clan. Honestly, it is a beautiful ceremony to see little kids get adopted officially!

We send this beautiful little family all the best wishes and hope they have the best thanksgiving ever!

Share this piece to remind others to be thankful for their families and to remember all the kids still in the adoption system.