13-year-old boy, who has spent most of his life in foster care, is looking for a forever family

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A 13-year-old boy, who has spent most of his life in the foster care system, is desperately hoping to find a family he can call his home. Appearing on this week’s Wednesday’s Child, Tim shared, “At home, I am an angel. Perfect,” noting his behavior at a residential treatment center for foster children.

Tim was just three when he entered foster care and has since been looking for a shot at being someone’s son. Now he is 13. His caseworker flew him out to Dallas to get him featured in the show’s segment which will hopefully grab the attention of a loving family willing to adopt him, reports KHOU11.

“I know I want a mom and dad at least,” said the young teenager who has grown weary of waiting for stability. Tim shared that it’s become rather hard for him to sleep these days and that he longs to stop moving from placement to placement. “Kind of like being in a prison without walls. You got runners, but then where you gonna [sic] go if you run? Absolutely nowhere but right back to where you ran from,” expressed the boy heartbreakingly.

Speaking about the kind of mom he longs for, Tim said, “Someone that cares, who’s always worried. I may seem embarrassed sometimes (by her worrying) but she’ll still be wondering if I’m OK. She’ll ask how my day is every time I walk through the door.” As for his dad, he wants someone who would teach him how to be an amazing man. Simply put he wants a father who will be his hero and pay attention to him.

“If I go outside, he’ll go outside with me. He’ll give me some normalcy,” explained the teenager who wants to live with lots of siblings. “Kind of gets boring playing by yourself,” said Tim who is sure he would get to learn a lot from them, especially if they are older. The sweet boy sure deserves to never be lonely again. He doesn’t need pity but a doting family who will love and cherish him always.

In return, Tim offers his smile, laughter, and hope to them. “Freedom. Freedom to go out the door when I want and them not worrying about me coming back or not, because they know they can trust me,” he added. If you wish to get more information on how to adopt Tim, please submit approved home studies to LaQueena Warren at [email protected].

Cover image source: YouTube Screenshot | WFAA