40-year-old chose to become a single mom, says her life is complete after having her down syndrome baby

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Choosing to become a mother is perhaps one of the most beautiful and selfless things a person can do.

This 40-year-old single woman knew she wanted a baby, and when chance blessed her with one that had down syndrome, she accepted him with her whole heart.

Doctors consider women who are pregnant over the age of 35 as advanced age or geriatric pregnancies. Research over the years has shown that the chances of complications in childbirth or fetal development are much higher in geriatric pregnancies.

Michele Elizaga was well aware of these risks when she decided to become a mother at 40 years old. The year she turned 40, like an epiphany, she knew what she wanted something more from her life than it currently offered.

Becoming a mother had never crossed her mind as she always assumed she would think about it when she met someone. However, Michele had been single for quite a while with no prospects of suitors in sight.

Then a friend mentioned to Michele the idea of her having a baby on her own. And as soon as her friend said this, Michele became obsessed with the idea and decided to go ahead with it.

Soon she had her appointment for her intrauterine insemination which went well and was concluded within 10 minutes. She was told to conduct an at-home pregnancy test on a certain date. When Michele took the test, she found out she was pregnant!

Michele was elated all throughout her pregnancy and could not wait to meet her child. When the day of the birth came, Michele had to undergo an emergency C-Section under general anesthesia.

She met her son Matthew 5 hours later when the anesthesia wore off. This was when she found out her newborn son had down syndrome. When she heard the news, she took it positively, not faltering in her love for her child even for a second.

She believes the addition of Matthew in her life is what has completed it. She often talks about how she believes Matthew chose her to be his mom and that it is her honor to be his mother.

Throughout the whole process, the only thing that worried her was how her parents and other family members would react to the news of her becoming a single mom.

The first set of people she wanted to inform were her parents. She was afraid of judgment from her parents but was pleasantly surprised when they supported her and sounded happy. Encouraged by their reaction, she told her sisters and friends.

Michele recently lost her father, but he was there for a small portion of Matthew’s life and absolutely doted upon his grandson.

When Matthew was 5 months old, Michele was back at work after spending one month at home with her beloved son. She admitted to being completely exhausted both mentally and physically because of motherhood but said she would not have it any other way. She talked about the feeling of empowerment that she experienced after becoming a mother!

Her lifestyle has significantly changed ever since she has become a mom. She can no longer go hiking as often but plans to buy a baby carrier that would allow her to take baby Matthew along. She is also looking forward to Matthew growing a little older so they can enjoy mother-son bonding over activities like paddleboarding and more.

As a single mother, Michele is fully dedicated to her son and wants what is best for him constantly. She wants to ensure that she does what he needs and when it gets too much, she is not afraid to ask for help.

She is open about her journey of motherhood on her Instagram account and shares both the highs and lows of her life.

Michele really shows you that love for your child is unconditional. We wish her and Matthew all the luck in the world for a bright and happy future together!

Share Michele’s beautiful story on solo-parenting to inspire others.