Jimmy Kimmel celebrates son’s 5th birthday despite his heart condition

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Jimmy Kimmel is one of America’s most beloved late night show hosts! Kimmel has been hosting his show since 2003 and at this point has become a household name.

In 2017, Kimmel shared some news in his show’s monologue. What people assumed would be the birth announcement of his son, turned into an emotional tale of everything the family had endured after the birth of Jimmy’s son, Billy Kimmel.

Kimmel described the heartbreaking news he received from the doctors on Billy’s birth. After running some tests, the doctors revealed to Kimmel that his son had been born with a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia. He required live-saving surgery immediately.

On hearing this news, the couple transported baby Billy to Children’s Hospital LA, where they met with Dr. Vaughn A. Starnes M.D., a world-renowned surgeon who was set to operate on Billy. Dr. Starnes performed open-heart surgery on young Billy and pretty soon the infant was allowed to go home.

It has been five years since this entire episode but Jimmy Kimmel is still grateful to Dr. Vaughn A. Starnes and the brilliant staff at Children’s Hospital LA and at Cedars Sinai.

According to Kimmel’s monologue in 2017, life for little Billy is all but normal now. Billy will only need to get another procedure in his teen years, which hopefully will be a non-invasive one.

He recently celebrated his son Billy’s 5th birthday and posted a picture appreciating the amazing medical professionals who made a healthy life for Billy possible.

He captioned the picture of Billy smiling at a three candled plain cake, “Happy 5th birthday to our little nut,” Kimmel wrote before referencing the life-saving care the youngster received shortly after he was born. “We are eternally grateful to the brilliant doctors and nurses at @ChildrensLA & @CedarsSinai for saving Billy’s life and to those of you whose donations, prayers and positive thoughts meant everything. Please support families who need medical care. Link in bio.”

Over the years, Kimmel has time and again expressed his gratitude and support for the medical professionals at Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA. And it makes sense, the staff at these institutions are responsible for the healthy life of his beloved 5-year-old son.

Jimmy Kimmel making sure to appreciate the staff at the hospitals which helped save his son’s life is truly inspiring. Let’s take a note out of Kimmel’s book and make sure we always appreciate medical professionals who do everything in their power to help us and our families!

Cheers to doctors and nurses all around the world! You truly are our heroes. Share this to show you appreciate the efforts of medical professionals.