Young dad dies in his sleep, so mom records emotional message to son before giving him up for adoption

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It must be one of the toughest decisions giving your baby up for adoption and you can guarantee that it’s the last possible option for a mother who has carried and bonded with her baby for nine months.

To give the gift of a baby to a family that can’t have a child is also the greatest gift and the moms that do this deserve all our admiration, understanding and respect.

At the age of 18, Hannah Mongie started dating Kaden and the two soon learned that they were going to have a baby.

Two days after Kaden heard the heartbeat of his baby boy at 8 weeks old he died suddenly in his sleep, leaving Hannah’s whole world turned upside down.

After Kaden’s death, Hannah made the heartbreaking decision to place their baby for adoption.

“Two days after he heard your heartbeat, his heart stopped and on the day your daddy died I had a hard time even considering placing you with a different family when you were my last piece of Kayden,” an emotional Hannah told her baby boy in a video.

Fell in love with adoptive parents
“But one day I woke up and knew you were supposed to be with someone else,” she told her son Tagg in the video posted on YouTube.

Her search for an adoptive family was made even more difficult by the first couple she found to adopt her son who later changed their minds but then she found Brad and Emily Marsh and she “fell in love with them” and gave them the news that she wanted them to adopt her baby boy.

On March 21, 2016, Hannah delivered Tagg in Provo, Utah. She spent two days with him before tearfully handing him to his adoptive parents.

‘Loved him more than anyone else’
In the last few hours she got to spend with him as his mom she recorded an emotional video for her son so he knew that her decision was made “purely out of love for him.”

“He will never have to think that I “gave him up” or that I did not love him. He will always be able to know that I loved him more than anyone else in this world,” Hannah wrote alongside the video which has been watched by more than 3 million people.

Hannah also announced the wonderful news that she has an open adoption with Brad and Emily and became so close with Emily through her pregnancy that she now regards her as a best friend and even helped Emily put Tagg’s nursery together.

“I hope anyone who watches this will be able to gain a new perspective on what the birth mom goes through when she places her child for adoption,” Hannah wrote alongside the video.

“It is the FARTHEST thing from a heartless act. It shows she definition of love. To love someone this much is to give away your happiness for them.”

We’re so glad this selfless mom still gets to see her son thanks to his wonderful adoptive parents.

Sending all our best wishes for a future of love and happiness for this extended family. Please share.